Top 7 Careers of the Future (not including Hoverboard Creator)

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Genetic Counselor: Advancements in medical technology are sure to continue at breakneck speed, so folks are generally safe when it comes to job security with most jobs in healthcare. Genetic counselors, however, will enjoy a robust job market with a whopping 41% growth in the coming years. Essentially, these are the geniuses who provide patients with the potential birth defects and genetic disorders that they or their fetuses carry.


About Author

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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