Top 10 Career Options for Psychology Majors

Showing 11 of 11

Therapist: Generally speaking, therapists work with patients after they’ve received a diagnosis in an effort to help cure whatever it is that’s ailing them. Like counseling, psychotherapists can enter into many different fields; in fact, there are over 1,000 different specialties in this field. Often times, a therapist can work with a patient for many years and is generally a more lucrative choice than counseling.


About Author

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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