10 Best Questions To Ask HR After Being Hired


When we prep for an important job interview, we’re usually thinking about how to answer the tough questions, but we should also be thinking up some good ones ourselves.

It’s usually near the end of an interview that we end up on the clock and at a loss for words. It happens when the interviewer turns the tables: “Do you have any questions about the job or the company in general?” Of course you do, but your mind is probably drawing up a nice fat blank. Even though it is probably the most stressful, this isn’t the only time you should have a bunch of questions for your future employer.

What about if you’ve actually landed the job? Maybe you’re mulling over whether you’re going to accept an offer. Or maybe you’ve accepted the job and are just wondering what the next few years of your work-life will entail. This is one of the most important times to ask questions, and the person you’ll be talking to is usually someone from HR. Talking to someone from HR doesn’t always mean you’re in trouble, and while it’s a department that might usually induce a grown when you learn you have a meeting with them, it’s also one of the best resources for information about how to get ahead. With all of the above in mind, here are some of the best questions to ask HR after being hired.

  • What are the most important milestones for progress in this position?
  • What do you think the hardest part of this job will be?
  • While I know the job description outlines a 40 hour workweek, I’m curious about the general daily schedule? Should I expect a lot of work over the weekend during busy times of the year?
  • Besides my direct supervisor, who in the department do you think I should lean on for advice as I’m just starting out?
  • Can you help me understand the benefits package a bit more clearly?
  • Can you tell me a little about the company’s approach to social media? Is it unusual for employees to maintain a personal account?
  • Are there any company outings or recreational activities that I should be aware of?
  • If I do my job well here, what kind of mobility can I expect in five years?
  • How will my job performance be measured? Can I expect regular evaluations?
  • How would you describe the management style of my direct supervisor?

About Author

Jay is a Philadelphia-based freelance writer and music journalist.

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