Top 15 Career Options For Chemical Engineering Majors

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If you want a challenge in your undergraduate degree, look no further than chemical engineering. Science in general is a pretty tough major, but chemical engineering means that you must apply the principles of physics, biology, math, and chemistry in order to solve problems. In practical application, being a chemical engineer means that you can enter a variety of industries including healthcare, chemical manufacturing, food production, fuel, and a plethora of other production based jobs.

Like all majors, before making your decision you should have a good idea of what kind of careers are available to you after graduation. Here are the top 15 career options for chemical engineering majors.


About Author

Garrett Ettinger is a writer and communication specialist who has worked in a variety of fields. He specializes in online writing and currently is the branding and communication coordinator at the non-profit ACTION United in Philadelphia, PA. He regularly advocates on issues involving unemployment, raising the wage, and education reform.

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