Politics As Usual: 10 Career Options for Political Science Majors

Showing 6 of 11

Government Teacher: Many of us had a government or civics teacher in high school and some of us had one even earlier. A government teacher is someone whose duty it is to teach her students how the government works, but also how students can get involved even before they’re old enough to vote. This is a great career for someone who has a keen interest in the way governments operate and who also aspires to become an educator, but who does not want to pursue the expensive and time-consuming route to becoming a professor.


About Author

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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