Top Nonprofits In DC To Work For


Washington, DC is hotbed for politics, of course. But millennials who want to do good can find a home there as well. There are countless nonprofit organizations in the city doing great work, and many of them are great to work for as well. Below is a list of some of the top nonprofits in DC.

Top Nonprofits In DC

The National Communication Association: If you’re a comm major and want to spread the word about what you’ve learned, this is the place for you. The group “promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems.” Their average salary of $106,700 is among the highest in the sector as well.

So Others Might Eat: If you’re more interested in helping people than in high salaries, then this interfaith, direct-service organization is one of the top nonprofits in DC. In addition to providing people in need with food, clothing, and health care, they also provide services like counseling and job training. The Washington Post named them a top five midsize workplace, and even gave them a special award for “purposeful work.”

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: The Washingtonian named this nonprofit one of its best places to work, due in part to how easy it is to stay in shape. They provide exercise classes, cooking demonstrations, fitness challenges, and will even help pay for your Weight Watchers! And it helps – the average tenure of an employee at ASHA is a staggering nine years. Your bonus pay is also directly tied to professional development goals that you set yourself, giving you a real say in determining how much money you make.

GlobalGiving: This company bills itself as a “global crowdfunding community” that raises money for worthwhile projects worldwide. For this, Forbes named them as a startup that is changing the world. But in addition to raising untold millions for good causes, they also give their employees plenty of freedom to, as one said, “make my job what I wanted it to be.”

Whitman-Walker Health: This long-running clinic has been specializing in health care for the LGBT community since the 1970s, and now help over 15,000 people every year. Their employees almost universally find the work “challenging and rewarding.” Even anonymous online reviews at Glassdoor, usually a haven for complaints, call it “the best health center to work for in D.C.”

Noblis: Noblis is a “science, technology, and strategy research organization” that works with a wide range of clients in government and private industry. In order to make sure its employees are keeping up with all the latest information, they offer generous educational assistance plans. Employees tend to stick around – the company has one of the lowest attrition rates in its field. And if you’re one of the few people in Washington, DC who is actually concerned about ethics, the company regularly makes the list of the world’s most ethical companies.


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