Use These 10 Millennial Websites To Snag Your Next Gen Y Recruit


So, you’re looking to bring some more millennial blood into your company. We don’t blame you; millennial workers are by and large highly educated and career-oriented, and we can teach you how to use “ctrl-c” and “ctrl-v” to copy and paste to boot. But where can you find the best Gen-Y candidates for the job? Start your search by posting on these 10 websites where job-seeking millennials have been known to hangout.   

  1. LinkedIn: You had to know some social media would be on this list — millennials are #socialcreatures after all — and LinkedIn is the de facto career behemoth in the social media space. Potential recruits can upload cover letters and resumes directly through LinkedIn job postings, which makes job searching on LinkedIn ideal for social savvy Gen-Yers who value online expediency.
  1. Twitter: Twitter’s another great tool for recruiting through social media — make sure you use Twitter’s hashtag function to make your postings searchable. Check out this article on Twiiter recruiting for more tips.
  1. Your Company Website: This should be a no-brainer, but if your own company website isn’t in ship shape, a millennial might skip applying to your job opening altogether; to a millennial, online looks matter. A clean, easy-to-use interface and a separate section on careers (ideally involving video testimonials of other millennials talking about how great it is to work at your company) may be your best recruiting tool.
  1. Ed2010: This site is ran by and for young upstarts in the magazine publishing industry, or those who’re trying to get their foot in the door in this notoriously hard-to-enter field. If you’re looking to fill your job or internship in publishing with some eager bright young things, Ed’s the place to go.
  1. FlexJobs: Millennials more than any other generation are eager to snap up jobs that provide a lot of flexibility (according to a major survey by PwC, we’re even willing to give up higher pay for a more flexible work arrangement). FlexJobs is one of the premier sites for career seekers looking for part time, telecommute, and other flexibly arranged jobs — so you’re guaranteed to get a big handful of millennial applicants if you post a qualifying job there.
  1. College Recruiter: This is your one-stop shop for entry-level jobs that you want filled by smart, college-educated millennials. College Recruiter also sponsors live conferences and events, and it’s a great site to post internship openings for the college crowd as well.
  1. Crunchboard: Looking to recruit in the tech field? Look no further than Crunchboard, the job board associated with tech and startup-focused media site TechCrunch. If you and your team already read the site, then posting on Crunchboard is a great first step in ensuring you’re attracting recruits that will fit in well at your company.
  1. Levo League: Levo League is totally dedicated to giving Generation Y a leg up career wise; they’ve got tools for connecting Gen-Yers to mentors, career guides, videos, and more. When you post your job opening here, you’ll be ensuring you’re getting in front of millennial eyeballs — and millennial eyeballs only.
  1. Another signature trait of the millennial generation? We’re all about giving back, and the majority of us want to work at a company that aligns ethically with our own core values. That’s why sites like are so popular with the millennial set. This website is dedicated to connecting job seekers to positions in the non-profit sector; it’s also a great tool for filling internships and volunteer positions too.
  1. Your Mobile Optimized Website: Okay, this isn’t a separate website per se, but having a comapny website that’s optimized for mobile use can give you a major recruiting edge — you just know millennials are cruising for job listings and doing background research on companies on their phones while waiting in line at Starbucks. Make your mobile site nimble and easy to navigate to keep those millennial resumes rolling in.

What other top millennial websites have you turned to in your search for millennial employees? Or, if you’re a millennial employee yourself, what online tools did you use to find your job? Share your suggestions in the comments below!



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