I’m Tellin’ Y’all It’s Sabotage: Stop Hurting Your Job Search


The job search stinks, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. However, you may be making it worse for yourself. That’s right, it is possible to make the job hunt suck even more, and it can be because of your own actions. How do you know if you’re just hurting yourself? Branding coach Jarkko Sjöman shared 19 ways to sabotage your job search, and now Ploymint has you covered with advice on how to counteract and prevent some of this sabotage in your job search process, including the job interview.

  1. Mistakes in Your Resume and Cover Letter
    61% of employers say that upon finding a resume with typos, they automatically reject the applicant. Don’t be part of this statistic; make sure your resume and cover letter are perfect with these tips from a hiring manager. One set of eyes may not be enough; ask someone to proofread your resume, and get her feedback on it.
  1. Forgetting About Your Online Footprint
    You will be Googled. Google yourself first and make sure everything there is appropriate. This especially applies to social media channels as questionable activity on social media can cost you a job.
  1. Unpreparedness For Interview Questions
    There are several common interview questions that you’re bound to be asked during an interview, such as “why are you looking for a new job?” Be prepared for these questions, and answer them confidently.
  1. Not Having Conversation Starters
    Just as hiring managers have questions for you, you should have questions prepared for  them, as well. These six conversations starters are great places to start.
  1. Not Doing Enough, or Doing Too Much
    Casually taking a week or two break from the job search can hurt just as much as focusing on only one position. According to Sjoman, “people who put more time into their job search find jobs sooner.” It’s common sense – the more jobs you apply to, the greater chance you have of getting hired. We know you don’t want to waste your time, so here are tips that can help you determine which jobs to apply for.
  1. Using The Same Resume
    As simple as it would be to simply upload the same generic resume to every job you apply for, this won’t help you. Resume keywords have become vital for helping you land more job interviews. Use these words in your cover letter and resume to help show you’re perfect for the job.
  1. Unhappiness
    Emotions can always get the best of you, especially in the job search. It’s important to stay active in your social life, not only because of the networking opportunities that may arise, but also for your own sanity. Breaks are also important as they can increase productivity; it always helps to take a break from something and come back at it with a refreshed perspective. Here are even more tips to help you avoid feeling down.
  1. Not Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
    Are you relying solely on networking for a job? You may need to devote some time to using online job boards. Applying via online job boards and not hearing anything? You may need to start networking for impact. Don’t be afraid to switch it up a bit if what you’re doing isn’t resulting in anything.

Do some of these sound familiar? Yes? Stop doing them. Stop making the job search suck even more for yourself. Do these ways of sabotage not sound familiar? Take a couple more minutes and read why you’re still unemployed. Ploymint’s here to make sure you’re not hurting your career before, during, or after.


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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