21 Ways To Make Extra Money Online


Extra cash. We can all use it, but how do you get it? There are myriad opportunities available online where you can make some extra money around your full-time work schedule or while you’re between jobs. Here are some places to look for an additional cash infusion.

  1. Freelance writing

Have an interest you’d like to write about? The Internet has an insatiable appetite for content. Check sites such as Media Bistro, FreelanceWriting.com, as well as other sites you may already be using like Craigslist and Indeed often have opportunities to write on the side about a variety of topics. Many are “write for exposure” gigs that don’t pay, but there are plenty of others that do pay.


  1. Sell your CDs

Consider transferring your discs to an external hard drive and selling the physical copies on Amazon Marketplace or eBay. There are plenty of people that still collect CDs and are often looking for cheaper alternatives than buying new. This could be an easy way to make a few bucks while also decluttering your life.


  1. Amazon Mechanical Turk

Speaking of Amazon, the company has a site wherein you can make money by doing certain tasks people need done. Pay varies widely, but tasks of all sorts are available, such as transcribing audio and filling out surveys.


  1. Become a wedding officiant

It’s surprisingly easy to get certified as a wedding officiant. For a small fee and a quick questionnaire, you can get ordained online via Universal Life Church Ministry or First Nation Ministry, among others, and begin making between a few hundred dollars per wedding.


  1. Donate your sperm, eggs, or plasma

There’s money in your body! For people unable to become pregnant, there is a market for sperm and eggs to facilitate the pregnancy. If you’re interested, you should educate yourself on the process to make sure it’s something you’ll be comfortable doing.

Donating plasma is another good option for money making. Plasma is necessary to help treat rare and chronic diseases, so donations are always needed. It might be a good avenue to explore.


  1. Become a mystery shopper

Retailers often will hire mystery shoppers to pose as real customers and rate the overall shopping experience at a store. This helps business owners understand what customers need and areas they need to improve on to improve customer satisfaction and their bottom line. But beware: there are a lot of scams out there. Consult the Federal Trade Commission’s website to help weed out the legitimate companies from the scammers and to see the dos and don’ts of becoming a mystery shopper.


  1. Start a part-time business doing something you already love

Do you love dogs? Consider starting a dog walking business. Are you artsy and good with your hands? You could start a business selling your arts and crafts online via sites like Etsy or see what fairs and festivals you can attend to sell your wares. Can you play an instrument? Consider offering lessons online via Skype or having students come to your house to learn how to play an instrument.


  1. Become an online tutor

You were once amazing at algebra, but can you do with that skill now? Dust off that corner of your brain and help current students get better at math, writing, reading, etc. Schools are increasingly competitive and students and parents are often looking for an edge to advance rapidly. You may find your natural affinity for subjects like math in high demand. Sites like Tutor.com, instaEDU, and even Craigslist, offer opportunities for your to begin tutoring young students.


  1. Sell your junk mail and/or junk email

Mailboxes and inboxes get inundated with correspondence we don’t need. How did they even get my address, you might ask. However, there’s a way to transfer that trash to cash, via SBK Center. Simply send them your junk mail and they’ll reward you with gift cards or Visa prepaid cards.


  1. Fill out surveys for money

Sites like Harris Poll Online, Survey Club, and Global Test Market will reward you either with gift cards or cash for filling out surveys. There is typically no sign-up fee and surveys can be completed in a matter of minutes.


  1. Sell your old cell phone

Want some cash to go toward your new iPhone 6s? Consider selling your old smartphones via Gazelle or those really old flip phones you still have in your closet via ecoATM. Phones that are still in working condition can fetch a decent amount of cash!


  1. Sell your Instagram photos

Do your Instagrams of sunsets, murals, or flowers get tons of likes and compliments. Consider selling prints of your best snaps. You can make prints of your ‘grams via Instaprint or large national chains such as CVS or Walgreens.


  1. Social media consultant

Companies both large and small, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are constantly seeking ways to navigate the social media landscape and make their brand rise to the top of heap. Use your skills with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc, to help businesses be savvier while also making money yourself. Alexis Grant offers great tips on getting started.


  1. Become a virtual juror

Sure, jury duty sucks. But, you could make money being on a virtual jury and still be in your pajamas. There are several sites, such as VirtualJury and eJury, where lawyers simulate cases using virtual juries.


  1. Translate online

Do you speak more than one language? Gengo is a site that will pay you for your language skills. Join their team of translators and use your bilingual abilities for extra dough.


  1. Airbnb your place while you’re away yourself

You’re leaving for a week’s vacation, but your apartment sits there empty. However, other travelers might be looking for a cheap place to stay right in your area. Consider putting your place up on Airbnb for the time you’ll be away yourself.


  1. Turn your gift cards into cash

Another holiday season, another gift card to Macaroni Grill that you’ll never use. However, you can sell that card for cash. Business Insider offers a list of places that will pay you for your unwanted gift cards.


  1. Get voiceover work

Record your voice at home and look for non-union voiceover work. Voices.com offers the resources to upload your voice sample and look for available positions.


  1. Sign up for a clinical trial

Pharmaceutical companies and researchers rely on volunteers to test the effects of drugs. You can earn extra money being one of those volunteers. You should check with your physician to see if it is the right choice for you. Go to ClinicalTrials.gov for more information about individual trials. You can sign up via the contact person listed for the trial.


  1. Join a focus group

You can make pretty decent money being part of a focus group. Sites such as Great Opinions and Focus Room offer opportunities to give your opinion for cash.

  1. Create tours and offer tips as an independent travel guide

Sign up as a Vayable Insider at Vayable.com and you can create guided tours for people going to cities you love or live in. You can set your own schedule and Vayable takes 15% of what you get paid.

There are so many ways to make money on the Internet. Assess your skills and interest, and time availability, and see what opportunities make sense for you. You might just be able to make a nice chunk of change in your spare time.


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