Ask Yourselves, Millennials: To Career Coach Or Not To Career Coach?


To career coach or not to career coach? That is the question many millennials are asking of themselves. Tracy Brisson, founder and CEO of The Opportunities Project, describes career coaching as “a great way to get personal help with establishing your professional goals, making career decisions, creating and executing plans, and overcoming obstacles that may come your way.” You’ve been applying to jobs nonstop and yet still aren’t getting anywhere. A career coach is sounding like a good idea right about now, right? Before you jump into anything, let’s discuss if hiring a career coach is really worth it.

The Ladder shares several great advantages of hiring a career coach.

  1. A Second Set Of Eyes: We can’t stress enough how important it is to have someone else read your resume, and a career coach is a great person to do this. They also can help review cover letters and LinkedIn profiles as well.
  2.  Networking Advice and Connections: A career coach may be able to help you get involved in local meetings and events that can give you an edge when it comes to networking. Furthermore, they can give you networking tips. An ideal goal would be that your career coach knows recruiters and professionals who are looking for employees such as yourself.
  3. Job Interview Perfection: Practice makes perfect, and that applies to job interviews as well. A career coach is the perfect person to have a mock job interview with. Not only will this help you become more comfortable in interviews, but a career coach can help you come up with the perfect response to common interview questions.
  4. Career Coach to Career Mentor: If you establish a strong relationship with your career coach, you may keep this relationship even after you’re hired. Everyone can use advice; your career coach can turn into a career mentor.


  1. It’s expensive: According to The Undercover Recruiter, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $500 for a two hour session with a career coach. Prices vary based on the coach, but you should be able to receive a free initial consultation.
  2. No Guarantees: You are not guaranteed a job simply from hiring a career coach. They are there to help and guide you, however keep in mind that they are not hiring you.
  3. Not All Are Licensed: “There are no requirements for becoming a career coach, and none are licensed by Massachusetts or any other state for that matter” reports The Boston Globe back in 2013. Career counselors should be licensed, however there still is no requirement that they have to be.

I know, there are more pros than cons in this list, however did you notice something? For every pro there was a Ploymint article with a similar answer. That’s right, Ploymint is here to serve you for free and ensure that you’re hirable. We know that it helps to talk face to face with someone about the job search, however we are also aware of how expensive it can be. Take advantage of our articles, and if you’re still in college, be sure to take advantage of your career services office. Both are great, free alternatives that can help you get hired.


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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