Carpe Diem: 10 Good Work Habits to Practice Daily

Showing 6 of 11

“Early” is Not a Dirty Word: 

Sure, we all know that being punctual is a necessary part of keeping a job. But being on time is different than being a few minutes early. One of the most stressful parts of our mornings can be attributed to stressing out about getting to work on time; for New Yorkers like me, a delayed train or crowded bus can be enough to change our mood from chipper and energetic to negative and stressed out. Make it a habit to wake up ten minutes (or more) earlier each day to avoid any of these totally avoidable mishaps, and impress your boss along the way. For you work-at-homers, the same advice applies. Spend the few extra minutes enjoying a second cup of tea, a longer shower, or a brisk walk around the block.


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