Be Right on the Money in Your Next Finance Interview


So you want to follow in the Wolf of Wall Street’s footsteps and work in finance, huh? Well before you can get to that level, and hopefully with no controversy attached to your name, you have to start with the interview process. Here are 10 finance interview questions and answers to help you land that finance job of your dreams. Keep in mind that these are general, and the questions will vary depending on which aspect of the finance world you’re going into.

  1. What motivates you?
    Here hiring managers are basically asking you why you want to work in the finance industry. Of course the big paycheck is probably part of it, but that’s not an appropriate answer right now. Talk about your greatest achievement to date that relates to finance, and that that motivates you to join the finance world.
  1. If you could only invest in one stock, which one would it be and why?
    Your answer here will not only show the hiring manager that you know your stocks, but will also show off your persona. For instance, if you pick a safe stock, it’ll show that you like to play it safe, whereas if you take a riskier one and explain how you feel it’ll payout in the end, it’ll show that you like to take risks.
  1. Out of all the companies out there, why do want to work for this one?
    Time to drop some knowledge about the company! Discuss what aspects of this company appeal to you the most. Talk about specific initiatives, corporate social responsibility, or other success that the company has that you’d like to be part of.
  1. What do you know about our competitors?
    It’s a dog eat dog world out there, especially in the finance world. You need to know everything about your competitors, and always need to be thinking of their next move so you can stay on top. Additionally, this is your chance to show off that you do know everything there is to know about the finance industry.
  1. Are you willing to work long hours?
    This question may seem general and like common sense, but the finance world is one where it strongly applies. This is not a 9-5 job where you can leave as soon as the clock strikes 5 PM. During busy season, you can be there for all hours of the night, working much more than 8 hours a day. Assure the hiring manager that this is okay and that you’re ready to devote a significant amount of life to your work.
  1. Are you looking into other industries?
    If you say yes to this question, this will show the hiring manager that you’re not as passionate about finance as you’re trying to make think. If you want to work and strive in the world of finance, the answer to this question is no.
  1. Tell me about your persuasive skills. How do you get others to see your point of view?
    Within the role of finance, you’ll have to convince powerful, influential people to trust you. You’ll need them to see that your recommendations are correct, which is why persuasive skills are a must. Acknowledge how these skills are vital to the position, and talk about a time you persuaded someone. How did you ultimately get them to see your point of view? Elaborate on that. 
  1. What challenges and opportunities do those working in finance face based on today’s market?
    This question is designed to show the hiring manager that you know the current economic state. Spend time doing your homework on this question, and spend time answering it. Answer in detail, addressing both challenges and opportunities, and be sure to give examples. The answer to this question will naturally vary depending on what’s going on in the economy of where you are located.
  1. How will you maintain client loyalty?
    Establishing and maintaining relationships with clients is vital in the finance industry. You want your clients to stay with you for the long term and not go anywhere else. Because of this, you need to develop a strong relationship with them. Discuss how you’ll have regular communication with your client, as well as how you’re always there to help them as quickly as possible. You will always speak in a respectable, professional manner, and you promise to be someone they can trust (and of course you will be sure to live up to that trust!).
  1. Talk about a time you successfully negotiated.
    The answer to this question will show the hiring manager that you are able to communicate well with others to the point of agreement. Tell a story of a time where you did just this.

Of course, depending on which aspect of the finance world you’re going into, the questions will be much more job centric rather than just general. In addition to these, you will most likely be asked these common interview questions as well. Finally, and most importantly, please refrain from mentioning that you want to be the next wolf of Wall Street in your interview!


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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