Make Healthy Eating A Lifestyle With These Podcasts and Apps


My eating habits rival those of a teenage boy, so it’s pretty comical that I’m writing about healthy eating. However this should reassure you that if I’m advocating the simplicity of the below, these podcasts and apps really are for everyone. Don’t worry, I’m not here to give you tips or anything like that, but I am here to help all of you out by sharing five great podcasts and five best apps for healthy eating. These can help you live that healthy lifestyle that you see all over Instagram.


Balanced Bites 
Hosts Diae and Liz cover all topics in health, nutrition, and even answer listener’s questions. The podcasts markets itself as “a modern take on paleo living.”

Biodynamics Now
Also known as BDNow! this weekly podcast covers food and wellness, and even teaches you how to grow nutritional food.

Nutrition Diva 
Host Monica Reinagel shares simple ways that you can use to improve your eating habits such as helping you understand nutrition facts and making healthy decisions.

Dishing Up Nutrition
The hosts of this podcast are licensed nutrition experts, so you can be well assured that they know what they’re talking about. In this interactive call-in show, they discuss common problems we all have when it comes to healthy eating.

TEDTalks Health 
We’ve talked about TEDTalks countless times on Ploymint, but did you know there’s one about health? These talks cover a variety of health topics, such as nutrition and healthy eating.


As much as we pretend to understand the nutritional facts on the back of the foods we eat, we don’t all the time. This app not only allows you to search for the food by scanning the barcode or typing the food in, but it also scores the food for you to let you know how healthy it really is.

Food Tripping
This app helps you find food markets, artisan food shops, coffee houses, farmer’s markets and more. This is a great way to find alternatives for fast food places.

Whole Food Recipes
Whole Foods has a cult following so to say, which makes this app a great asset. In the words of this app, “make your life simpler, healthier and more delicious.” Self-explanatory!

Eat Slower
Do you notice that you eat too fast? There’s an app for that! No but really, there is. Use this app to set your pace, press start, eat your food, and don’t take a second bite until the time is up.

EatingWell “Healthy in a Hurry” App
This app gives you 200 recipes from the EatingWell Test Kitchen as well as features nutrition icons from their magazine. There are preloaded recipes, but keep in mind that you do need to pay for some.

Go ahead, start downloading. These podcasts and apps are great ways to kick start your new healthy eating lifestyle. From recipes, to interactive call-in shows, to a shopper’s helper, these 10 podcasts and apps cover a wide array of all aspects of healthy eating. We already use apps and listen to podcasts, why not add some that can help improve your health?


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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