10 Best Apps & Podcasts For Millennials Looking to Grow a Business


Millennials are almost synonymous with all things tech related. We manage our lives on apps – when we pay our bills, transfer our money between accounts, listen to music, watch our favorite movies on demand and even place our orders at Starbucks. When we desire to stay informed there are, of course, apps for that too – but podcasts are also available to us at no cost. It is no surprise that the business industry is providing us with tech-savvy solutions for our workplaces and – in the entrepreneurial cases – our businesses. If you’re a millennial looking for growth in your business and are unsure where to start, look no further than this list of best apps and podcasts for growing a new business.

Five Top Apps:

  1. Evernote. A note-taking app that goes above and beyond, it allows users to create to-do lists, attach documents in Word or PDF format, create agendas and track expenses.
  1. HootSuite. A growing business requires inexpensive advertising and publicity – which is easily achieved through social media. If your business has its own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ pages, HootSuite enables users to update all platforms simultaneously.
  1. RescueTime. Featured in our list of best apps for young professionals and millennials, RescueTime assists with your productivity – and when your productivity grows, so does your business. According to the aforementioned article, “you can even set alerts to know when you’ve spent a certain amount of time on one activity.”
  1. Free WiFi Finder. Gone are the days of searching for WiFi. According to Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of best apps for entrepreneurs circa 2014, “in the early stages of a startup, every situation and opportunity is high stakes and you can’t afford to allow a poor Internet connection to get in the way of your company’s success.”
  1. Mint. Featured in both our list of apps for young professionals as well as Entrepreneur Magazine’s list, Mint tracks your expenses and creates customized predicted budgets based on your previous entries. It is a favorite among millennials – and is known for its user-friendliness.

Five Top Podcasts:

  1. The Pitch. Recommended by Forbes as part of its list of top entrepreneurial podcasts, The Pitch is described as “Shark Tank . . .with a little less fake reality TV drama.”
  1. Millennial. This podcast made it to our list of top podcasts for millennials – and without surprise, due to its name. While based mostly on lifestyle management, it also offers career advice.
  1. Being Boss. Listed in iTunes’ Top Business podcasts, Being Boss is billed as “a podcast for creative entrepreneurs.” Creators Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon offer episodes based on topics including work/life balance, managing clients and budgeting
  1. Startup School Radio. Also earning a spot on the Forbes list, “this new podcast . . . comes from Y Combinator, the accelerator behind companies like Dropbox, Airbnb, Stripe, Zenefits and Instacart.”
  1. Entrepreneur. An obvious choice from the writers of the magazine – but episode topics include business strategy, “patterns of success” and defining your values.

While tech solutions are not the only essential components to a successful business venture or startup, apps serve as important organizational tools while your schedule is too packed to spend time organizing. Podcasts serve as free advice on the go – you can listen in the car, on the train and even at work.


About Author

Mary Grace holds a Master of Arts in Public Communications and Media Studies from Fordham University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from Salve Regina University. She spends her time in the editorial department at the National Association of Professional Women by day, and is a community thespian and wannabe politician and activist by night. Her favorite things include trips to Walt Disney World, drinking too much coffee, browsing Sephora, her Apple Watch and her "nephew," Luis.

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