Want To Be Elegant In The Workplace? Here’s Where To Start.


Being elegant in the workplace is not a requirement by any means, however it is a choice that some women make. According to the dictionary, elegant is defined as “pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.” It is a quality that some women strive for in life, which includes the workplace. How does one become an elegant woman in the workplace? Here are some ways for you to start.

  1. Dress appropriately.
    Have you ever heard that saying “dress for the job you want, not the job you have?” That applies here. Dress to impress, and be sure that it’s always appropriate. Are you unsure of where to start? Here are ten great looks for inspiration.
  1. Wear make-up appropriately.
    Job-appropriate make-up is a thing. The more natural you look in the office, the better. Save the smoky eye for a night out on the town. Here are some more makeup tips for you.
  1. Wear your hair appropriately.
    This is the final aspect of looks I’ll be covering, I promise. The “I just rolled out of bed” hair is not what you want to be going for in an office. Doing your hair can be time consuming, I understand, which is why I shared fifteen stunning yet simple hairstyles for women.
  1. Don’t start office conflict.
    I’m not saying to sit there and be quiet, as I’ve already shared that that was the worst career advice I’ve ever gotten. Instead I’m saying not to start conflicts. Don’t spread rumors, don’t pick fights, and be an adult about everything. Here are some tips on how to avoid problems.
  1. Have confidence.
    Confidence is the key to success. Be confident in your work, your speech, your demeanor, and your decisions.
  1. Be proud yet humble.
    You have every right to be proud in your work, however always be sure to have some humility as well. Don’t boast around your office; instead be grateful when someone else pays you a compliment or praises your work.
  1. Be a good colleague.
    Being well liked in the office has a lot of perks, and can lead to a great work environment. Become the best co-worker ever.
  1. Say hello.
    Make eye contact with others and say hello. Ask them how their day is going. Take a general interest in their lives and their work. It’ll make a difference, and can lead to a friendship.
  1. Be well spoken.
    You don’t have to speak in all SAT words, however you do have to speak exceptionally well. Use proper grammar and have a strong choice of diction that includes vast vocabulary and no contractions. Avoid curse words and other forms of inappropriate language.
  1. Be calm.
    Always keep your cool. Don’t get overly angry to the point of screaming at another person. Additionally, don’t speak down to anyone, or act like you’re better than anyone else.

Being elegant is all up to you. If elegance is something you strive for, these eight tips are great places to start. However, never feel pressure that you have to be elegant in the workplace. Of course, you always need to be appropriate, but that’s a given. Acting elegant is a choice, not a requirement. And yes, there is a wikiHow on how to be elegant!


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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