Categories: Career Tools & Tech

The Ultimate List of Twitter Chats

Twitter Chats are a fantastic way to meet new people and network. These chats revolve around a central theme, so everyone partaking in the Twitter Chat has the same interest, passion, or skill that you do. These chats are great ways to connect with those people who may become your ally or may even be able to connect you with someone beneficial. Additionally, many Twitter Chats bring in experts in the respective field being discussed. Here is your ultimate list of Twitter Chats spanning a plethora of topics. I have personally taken part in many of these and can advocate for them. Please note that all of the times below are EST.


3 PM
#ContentChat hosted by @SmarterShft
Focuses on content marketing and management, social media strategy, and more.

7 PM
#LeadWithGiants hosted by @LeadWithGiants
Focuses on leadership and how to be an uplifting leader.

8 PM
#MMChat hosted by @MarketerMonday_
Focuses on trends and other best practices in business marketing and social media.

#SocialLeader hosted by @switchandshift
Advocates the human way to do business and the leadership skills that help create these human values in business.

9 PM
#Ambitionista hosted by @Ambitionista
Tailored towards ambitious women in their 20s and 30s and serves as a great support system for going after your dreams.

#SocialChat hosted by @aknecht
Focuses on aspects of marketing and communications.

#CreativeCoffeeHour hosted by @calliegisler
Tailored towards bloggers and small business owners, topics of this chat include social media, personal branding, creativity, blogging, business, and more.

#InternPro hosted by @YouTern
Hiring managers and job seekers join together to discuss aspects of job hunting.

10 PM
#JobHuntChat hosted by @TimBakerHR
Hosted by an HR consulting, this chat also connects hiring managers and job seekers.


11 AM
#ContentWritingChat hosted by @writingchat
The title is self-explanatory, but this chat is all about content for your site, as well as other aspects such as social media outreach.

8 PM
#LinkedInChat hosted by @LinkedInExpert and @conpsweeney
Great tips, advice, and networking are found in this chat.

#MillennialTalk hosted by @ChelseaKrost
Covering a plethora of topics that affect millennials including social media, finances, and more.

#SideHustleChat hosted by @soasidehustler
Covers many aspects of building a business while juggling a full-time job.

#InfluencerChat hosted by @influencerchat (First Tuesday of each month)
Talk social media skills with experts in the field.

9 PM
#FireAndWindCo hosted by @fireandwindco
Awesome female community that discuss many topics females face while supporting and uplifting each other.

#GetRealChat hosted by @GetRealChat
Focuses on social business, marketing, media, leaderships, relationships and more.

#YPSportsChat hosted by @YPSportsChat
Geared towards Young Professionals in the sports industry.

10 PM
#SportsMediaChat hosted by@sportsmediachat
A discussion of many aspects of sports media.


11 AM
#BrandChat hosted by @brandchat
All aspects of branding are discussed in this chat.

12 PM
#BufferChat hosted by @buffer
Hosted by Buffer itself, this chat discusses many aspects of marketing, social media, workplace culture, and more.

2 PM
#Adweekchat hosted by @Adweek
All aspects of advertising are covered including collaborating with colleagues, creative icons, and much more.

8 PM
#CreateLounge hosted by @kayla_hollatz
Tailored towards bloggers and entrepreneurs, topics of this chat include blogging, business, social media, community, branding, community building, creativity, and more.

#G20Chat hosted by @gen_twenty (bi-weekly)
Self-proclaimed as the “chat for twenty-something’s” this chat covers a wide array of topics that affect those of us in our 20s.

#JustHaves hosted by @JNSantaniello
Hosted by a lifestyle and fashion expert, this chat covers many different topics, including wine!

9 PM
#PinChat hosted by @Pin_Chat
If you love pinterest or want to learn more about it, this is the chat for you.

#DreamDiggersChat hosted by @DreamDiggers
A community of young dream diggers to talk to each other and guest hosts on a variety of topics.

10 PM
#SpoofChat hosted by @SpoofChat
Want to just have fun with other funny people? This chat, which mixes pop culture, humor, and more, is for you.


1 PM
#TwitterSmarter hosted by @MadalynSklar
It’s right there in the name, and even hosted by a Twitter Marketing Strategist!

3 PM
#HootChat hosted by @hootsuite
Hosted by the brand itself, this chat covers many aspects of social media.

7 PM
#GTIdeology hosted by @GTIdeology
Who doesn’t love happy hour? Discuss ideology greatness through the individual in this chat.

9 PM
#ViralChat hosted by @ViralChat
Social media influencers share their secrets to driving engagement.

#SMsportsChat hosted by @tariq_ahmad
One of my favorite chats as I love sports and social media. This chat discusses all aspects of sports and social media – covering all sports and all social media channels.

#BeIntentional hosted by @natejturner
Why is it important to be intentional? The topics of this chat answer that question.

10 PM
#MediaChat hosted by @Media_Chat
Guests featured in this chat include experts in social and online media. If it’s media related, it’s discussed in this chat.


10 AM
#PeopleSkills hosted by @PeopleSkill
You guessed it, discussing many aspects of people skills and why they’re important.

7 PM
#NostalgiaChat hosted by @JoeBugBuster
Do you miss the good ‘ole days? This chat helps you relive them.

8 PM
#CareChat hosted by @caregiving
Are you a caregiver? This chat is for you.

8:45 PM
#SocialRoadTrip hosted by @SocialRoadTrip
Connects social media friends offline. Discuss fun topics while building new relationships!

Feel free to hop into any of these chats whenever you’re free. If you see me in one, please say hi!

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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