Categories: Career Tools & Tech

41 Tech Resources and Blogs All Tech Experts Use

The first 15 years of the 21st century have been marked by rapid advancements in technology. Our phones went from flip-phones to mini computers. Our computers went from bulky boxes to sleek tablets. We’ve seen the rise of social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, and how these platforms have revolutionized how we communicate for both work and play. As millennials, technology is something that’s ingrained in our way of life, and so online resources to help us manage the various forms of tech in our lives have also become staples. The following are 41 tech resources covering categories such as social media, client relationship management, productivity, time management, and technology news sources.

Tech Resources: Social Media

One of the most impactful aspects of technology for the millennial generation is social media. Many millennials around the world have found their calling managing a company’s social media profiles. These 8 tech resources are perfect for those who are looking to efficiently build and maintain their social media presence. Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, and Buffer are the best options for those on a budget, while the other 5 should be considered by those who have some money to invest.

  1. Hootsuite- Price: Free/ $9.99 per month for the Pro version
  2. Buffer- Price: Free to $250 per month (5 price points)
  3. If This, Then That (IFTTT)- Price: Free
  4. Tweetdeck- Price: Free
  5. Social Flow- Price: Dependent on client needs
  6. Sprout Social- Price: $59 to $500 per month (3 price points)
  7. Social Bro- Price: Dependent on client needs
  8. CrowdBooster- Price: $9 to $119 per month (3 price points)
Tech Resources: Client Relationship Management

While social media has changed how we communicate, client relationship management software has changed how we track communication. Tech experts across a wide spectrum of industries are using this kind of software to track the effectiveness of their online communication strategies. Salesforce is the most well-known software on the following list, while the other 3 offer more attractive entry price points.

  1. Salesforce- Price: $25 to $250 per month ( 4 price points)
  2. PipeDrive- Price: $12 per user, per month
  3. Insightly- Price: Free to $99 per user, per month
  4. Brewster- Price: Free
Tech Resources: Productivity

Technology has taken our levels of productivity to heights societies without our level of technology could only dream of. The amount of apps and software available to help us increase our productivity is staggering. This list of 11 tech resources includes free mobile apps such as Any.Do and EasilyDo, which you can download to your mobile device right after you read this article. Evernote and Google Drive are both cloud storage services, with Evernote being a more extensive note-taking software. Evernote also has two free mobile apps- Evernote Scannable and Penultimate. The first lets you scan documents straight to your mobile device, while the second turns your mobile device into a digital notepad that turns handwriting into text. Focus@Will is a cool tech resource for those who like to work to a beat, and Prezi is superb source for spicing up presentations for work.

  1. Any.Do- Price: Free
  2. EasilyDo- Price: Free
  3. Evernote- Price: Free to $50 per year
  4. Evernote Scannable- Price: Free
  5. Focus@Will- Price: $11.83 per month to $300 for lifetime access
  6. InboxVudu- Price: Free
  7. Inky- Price: $5 per month, per user
  8. Google Drive- Price: Free
  9. Penultimate- Price: Free
  10. Prezi- Price: $4.92 per month or $13.25 per month
  11. PushBullet- Price: Free to $4.99 per month
Tech Resources: Time Management

Going hand-in-hand with productivity, time management is something many tech experts incorporate resources into to get things done. The best entry software is RescueTime due to its free option, but Klok’s $19.99 price tag is a one-time fee. Take each for a free test drive and see which one works best.

  1. RescueTime- Price: Free to $9 per month
  2. Chrometa- Price: $12 per month to $29 per month ( 3 price points)
  3. Klok- Price: $19.99

Tech Resources: Best Tech Blogs

All 15 of these blogs cover the top technology news. There’s a good chance you recognize the name from articles shared by your friends on social media. Browse a couple of articles on each site to see which writing style you like best. Follow the ones that resonate most on social media and subscribe to their e-mail list. Make a habit of reading their new material as it hits your inbox to maximize the benefit of these tech resources.

  13. Forbes Tech (

Do you know of any other tech resources we should know about? Let us know on Twitter! (@PloymintHQ)

Ploymint Staff

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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