workplace culture

Snapchat In The Workplace: Is It A Good Thing?

I’m guilty of it, and you probably are too – we Snapchat in the workplace. We can’t help it. We…

8 years ago

6 Tips For Building Positive Workplace Relationships

Most of us are at work for around forty hours a week, five days a week, for about 50 weeks…

8 years ago

The Barenaked Truth: What It’s Like To Be A Stripper

Dancing at a strip club is a profession that has frequently been portrayed in movies, on television, and in songs…

8 years ago

A Look Into What It’s Like To Work At A Small Nonprofit

I’ve been working at small nonprofits since I started interning in my junior year of college. Small nonprofits, as you…

8 years ago

Yes, It Is Okay To Add Coworkers on Facebook

Should you friend your colleagues on Facebook, or should you not? A true 21st century struggle indeed. Like a typical…

9 years ago

Want To Be Elegant In The Workplace? Here’s Where To Start.

Being elegant in the workplace is not a requirement by any means, however it is a choice that some women…

9 years ago

9 Workplace Personalities: Which One Are You?

There's a reason workplace comedies are so common on TV: they rely on consistently familiar office personality tropes most of…

9 years ago

From Technology to Food, Top Millennial Brands in the Workplace

Some brands just speak to millennials more than others do. For instance, Periscope and Vine are brands more targeted to…

9 years ago