work-life balance

The Ultimate Personal Branding Checklist For Millennials

As a millennial, personal branding has become an integral part of how to advance your career. Most employers are going…

8 years ago

5 Signs You’re Not Prepared to Run a Start-Up

I recently had a friend who had to shut down his graphic design start-up and when we discussed why, it…

8 years ago

Ploymint Guide: How to Use Free Interns Effectively

The summer is quickly approaching and as an employer this means the opportunity for you to hire eager college students…

8 years ago

I’m On a Boat: What it’s like to Work on a Cruise Ship

Do you like to drink heavily, engage in illicit behavior, and sail on the ocean? And no, I’m not suggesting…

9 years ago

Get Things in Order with the 10 Best Apps for Organizing Your Life

If you’re anything like me, organization is limited to the various piles of “stuff” scattered around your house. Unfortunately, being…

9 years ago

Ploymint Guide: Dealing With Difficult People At Work

I’ll be honest, I hate difficult people. Life is pretty hard to begin with and I reserve the right to…

9 years ago

10 Career New Year Resolutions (And How To Keep Them)

2016 is officially here! And with a brand new year comes a fresh slate for you to accomplish more than…

9 years ago

Ploymint Guide: 10 States For Telecommuting Careers

Working from home rocks. There’s never that “deadtime” of you hopelessly trying to look busy while minimizing your Reddit or…

9 years ago