
25 Tech Terms To Know To Speak The Language

Even though I’m still in my 20’s, sometimes I feel like I’m getting old. I don’t know the newest artists,…

8 years ago

The Best IFTTT Recipes For Totally Normal People

IFTTT may look less like an acronym and more like what happens when your cat walks across the keyboard. But…

8 years ago

What It’s Like To Work in IT (Interview)

Ploymint has shared various different articles regarding the tech industry. From sharing the top ten technical skills you should know to…

8 years ago

Top 10 Aerospace and Defense Career Options

If you’re the type of person who wants to develop some of the most advanced systems that our world relies…

8 years ago

Beyond Photoshop: 10 Best Apps & Podcasts For Editing Photos

Even though all my photographer friends would hate to hear me say it, editing photos has become easier over the…

9 years ago

Ploymint Guide: How To Get Paid For Making YouTube Videos

In the past it was harder to monetize your videos online. A home video that went viral didn’t automatically translate…

9 years ago

Best Programming Languages For Beginners To Learn

Programming is no longer limited to the nerd you laughed at with the pocket protector living in his mom’s basement.…

9 years ago

Struggling With Spreadsheets? 10 Excel Tricks For Non-Technical Beginners

Spreadsheets are the bane of many office workers' existences, and the subject of countless Dilbert strips. If they are a part…

9 years ago