new job

Does Job-Hopping Pay Off?

Decades ago, a job used to be something that many people could count on until retirement. Staying with one company…

8 years ago

What to do if You Get Fired: 5 Immediate Steps

In one of my previous articles on career mentors, I alluded to a career coach mentor whom I met in…

9 years ago

5 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job

There's no shame in quitting a job. Though in some aspects we are hard-wired not to actively seek out failure,…

9 years ago

5 Smart Things Successful People Do When Starting A New Job

Starting a new job is always stressful. There are new people, new protocols, and new stresses. But it's important to remember…

9 years ago

Starting A New Job: Articles To Read Before Day One

Ever try doing something with absolutely no knowledge of how to do it? Chances are if you have, it didn’t…

9 years ago