career advice for twenty somethings

I Don’t Know What I Want To Do With My Life

Whether you’re right out of college, experiencing a quarter-life crisis, or already mid-career and questioning everything, we’ve all had those…

8 years ago

Ploymint’s Top 10 Worst Career Choices – Before, During, & After

Not every move we make in our career is a good move. In fact, not every move we make before…

9 years ago

Ploymint’s Top 10 Career-Ending Scandals

Unfortunately, careers don’t come with a guarantee. You can be fired, and all it takes is one big mess up.…

9 years ago

The 7 Most Overrated Pieces of Career Advice

Your mentor, your old boss, even your grandma — everybody has career advice to give these days. Not all advice…

9 years ago

The Honest Career Advice I Wish I Had at 25

Remember when you were a teen and thought 25 was the pinnacle of adulthood? Mid-twenties sounded like the age when…

9 years ago