Categories: Career Advice

Starting A New Job: Articles To Read Before Day One

Ever try doing something with absolutely no knowledge of how to do it? Chances are if you have, it didn’t go very well, and after the travesty you realized that preparation is an important factor at being successful. When you’re starting a new job, make sure you are totally prepared first.

Here are articles to read before starting a new job:

“So What Do You Do?”: Why It’s Important to Network Everywhere
This article won’t help you so much with “what you should do on the first day of the job” but will explain what kind of mindset you should get yourself into. Networking is one of the major aspects at any job, and will give back to career ten-fold. Read this article to get a better idea of what it means to truly network.

We All Know the Basics, But Here’s How to Network For Impact
Like the previous article explains, networking is a crucial part of any job and should start on day one. The more people you know, and the more you’re exposed to everyone within the organization, the higher chances you have for a future raise or to be talked about in a positive light. When you begin a new job, you never want to be the person who no one knows, unless you want to be stuck in a basement with no definitive job title. Networking for impact will ensure that when you start a new job, you won’t be putting yourself behind.

Work Can Be Taxing. Here are Some Tips to Manage Stress in the Office.
Let’s be honest, starting a new job can be pretty stressful. The last thing you want to happen is to break down in the first week you are employed at the office. When you’re in a new position with new bosses and responsibilities, sometimes the whole thing can be overwhelming. Read this article to pre-emptively prepare yourself for the stress that is induced from working.

The Me-First Millennial: How “Generation Me” can Succeed in the Workplace
We are different and we like to show it. Being normal might be one of the biggest insults to any millennial, and while this is good in social circles, it may not translate well to the workplace. Remember that the people you are working with will have a huge range of experience and will be different ages. This article shows how millennials can take our unique skills and talents and apply them at work for the maximum results.

Career Advice For Millennials From A Longtime CEO
When you’re looking for career advice it’s always good to listen to someone’s who’s been there first. This video and article is about the CEO of the Boston Consulting Group’s TED Talk and what she has to say about how to network and work in your career to achieve maximum results. If you employ her strategies on day one, you’ll be much better prepared to grow inside of your career.

Now that you have the knowledge and power, go out there and land that dream job. Confucius once said, “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” And while you might not want to take advice from a dude from 500 BC, I’m pretty sure the guy knew what he was talking about.

Garrett Ettinger @

Garrett Ettinger is a writer and communication specialist who has worked in a variety of fields. He specializes in online writing and currently is the branding and communication coordinator at the non-profit ACTION United in Philadelphia, PA. He regularly advocates on issues involving unemployment, raising the wage, and education reform.

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