Categories: Career Interviews

10 Tough Retail Interview Questions and Answers

I’ve had four jobs in retail and have been on both sides of the interview desk. Here are 10 of the toughest retail interview questions and answers to help you navigate the hiring process.

1. What are your weaknesses in dealing with customers?

The dreaded weakness question. the one plus side of this retail-specific version is it narrows your choice of weaknesses to choose. as with all questions of this nature, choose a weakness that you can frame as a strength. Whatever you do, don’t use anything that might make it seem like you can’t handle pressure

2. How would you deal with an irate customer?

This is a trick question designed to see if you have the ability to remain professional. Pay special attention to the word customer. you might say something rude to a rude stranger, but never a rude customer. A safe answer is saying you’d remain courteous and pass off the customer to the manager on duty.

3. Why did you leave your last job?

This is another trick question that requires some image management. Sometimes, the reason we left our last job is a falling out with management. In this case, being honest can actually cost you your chance at the job. A previous disagreement with management sends a huge red flag to a hiring manager. Your best bet is an answer that doesn’t make you look bad. Something like “I was hungry for advancement and it wasn’t available at my last job”.

4. Tell me about your previous success in retail

This is your chance to brag. This question makes the list because a lot of people are just as uncomfortable talking about their successes as their failures. Don’t be too cocky, but you do want to mention specific big sales you made at other jobs if you have retail experience

5. What do you know about our company?

This question can be an interview-killer if you don’t do your pre-interview research. Retail companies are in the business of sales- why would they hire someone to rep their brand if that person knows nothing about it?

6. What is your availability?

The reason this question is on this list is because retail is not your typical 9 to 5, Monday to Friday job. your shifts could be morning, mid-shifts, closing shifts, and working on weekends. If you’re set on working in retail, then you want to answer this question by saying you have no problem working evenings and weekends.

7. Why do you want to work in retail?

Interviewers ask this question because retail can be a demanding job, especially if you work on commission and at a busy location. Hiring managers don’t want to hire someone who is just desperate for a job. Give an answer that shows off a skill useful for retail, such as that you love talking to people.

8. What type of Retail Sales Systems have you used?

If you have retail experience, then this isn’t really a tough question. It’s on this list more-so for the people who have no retail experience. The best answer for those without experience is ” none, but I’m a quick learner and have a student mentality

9. How would you sell (company specific product)?

Every sales job has a variation of the age-old “sell me this pen” question.Many interviews in retail will involve a role play where you are asked to sell a product. The key is studying the features of the product ( what the product does) with a benefit ( how the product affects the customer)

10. Who was the worst boss you ever had? why?

This is another question that requires some “truth management”. Even if you had the WORST boss ever, the interviewer doesn’t really want to hear all about that boss. They want to gauge whether you’re going to be the type of employee who bad-mouths management. Say that your worst boss was bad because they weren’t growth-orientated.

Do you have answers to these retail interview questions you want to share? We’d love to hear them!

Ploymint Staff

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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