Categories: Workplaces

Bored at Work? Here are 22 Productive Things To Do

It happens – we get bored at work. Slow days do exist, and even though we pray for them when we’re in the midst of craziness, they bore us when they actually happen. Whereas some avert to social media and online shopping to cure this boredom, this may not be the best idea. Utilize this time to further yourself, and your career. These 22 productive things to do when you’re bored at work are great places to start.

Network everywhere, including the workplace. Is there a director you haven’t really had a chance to chat with yet? Has it been a while since you asked your cubicle neighbor how she’s doing? These are relationships you want to keep, and want to grow.

Start jotting down ideas for new projects, growth opportunities, and other passing thoughts. Consider picking up a mini notebook for just this purpose.

80% of Americans don’t get recommended exercise. Go outside and take a walk, walk around the office, move around your cubicle – do something active. Or, do like us and do your best “Single Ladies” routine.

Make a to-do list of everything that needs to get done the rest of this week, next week, this month, etc. and formulate a plan of attack.

Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats are great ways to grow your network, however some do occur during the workday. Here is a great list of Twitter chats to take part in.

Catch Up On News
Go to news pages such as The NY Times and Washington Post and see what’s going on in the world. Prefer non-mainstream forms of media? Do some research and find a new favorite.

Read About Career Growth
Utilize this time to read about furthering your career or a specific niche on websites such as Ploymint and Gen Twenty. If something in particular speaks to you, jot it down in the aforementioned mini notebook!

Help a Colleague
Is your colleague busy at work? Offer to help them; you’ll never know when you may need their help.

Get A Head Start
Is there a project coming up in the next couple of months? Before things get crazy again, start working on it.

Work on Your Side Hustle
Do you blog? Write? Sell things on Etsy? Spend time on this.

Is your desk a mess? Then it’s time to clean! Throw out those documents from 2 years ago, and Lysol everything.

Meet With Your Boss
Has it been a while since you sat down with your boss? This is a great time to chat about goals, expectations, projects, or just simple catch-up.

Catch-Up on Work
Is there something you’ve been putting off because you’ve been too busy? Here’s your chance to do it.

Check on Your Finances
Finances are overwhelming. Check on all your accounts, make sure everything’s correct, and see if there’s anything more you can be doing do save money or pay bills.

Read Finance Blogs
These 14 finance blogs are great resources to help you manage your finances.

Clean Out Your E-mail
Are you one of those people who don’t put things into folders? Forget to delete the trash folder? Forget to delete e-mails in general? Time to clean up those 2,000 emails!

Update Your LinkedIn Page
Make sure that everything’s up to date, add any contacts you may have connected with, and see if there are any skills or experiences missing.

Endorse Your Connections on LinkedIn
Is your cubicle neighbor great at research? Go endorse her on her page. Did you connect with someone last week? Go endorse him as well. It’s a great way to maintain or create relationships.

Take a look back at things that have gone great for you in the past, both professionally and personally. Write these things down, and think of ways to integrate them into the future.

Clean Your Desktop
Do you save everything to your desktop and forget to delete it when you’re done? Now’s the time to organize your files.

Create a Cheat Sheet to Your Job
Not that you’ll be quitting anytime soon, but this document will be beneficial if that time ever comes, or for when you go on vacation.

Smile & Be Happy
It’s easy to feel down when you’re bored. Make a list of everything that makes you happy and try to do more of it!

A slow day at the office doesn’t have to be unproductive. These great tips will help you further develop yourself professionally and personally. Get a head start on things, do everything you’ve been putting off, smile, and you’ll be grateful for everything in the long run. Remember to play music as well!

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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