Categories: Workplaces

Don’t Get Distracted At Work – 5 Solid Ideas On How Not To

Millennials, we’re easily distracted. If you’re not, please contact me and teach me your ways. I’m like a squirrel when he sees something shiny. The workplace however is not a place for nonstop distractions. It can be difficult to focus, I know, but here are 5 solid ideas for minimizing office distractions.

  1. Schedule.
    You’re more likely to get things done if you know you need to get it done by a certain time. If you start a project, give yourself a realistic time you need to get it done by. Give yourself time frames for everything you need to get done that day, and during that time frame, only focus on that one specific project.
  1. Know how to get out of conversations.
    Our co-workers are our friends, but sometimes they can talk and talk and meanwhile you need to get work done. It’s okay to interrupt and say that as much as you’d love to continue this conversation, you have work that needs to get done today. If you feel bad about cutting the conversation short, tell your colleague that you’ll come back to her when you have free time, or on a lunch break.
  1. Put your cell phone away.
    You don’t want to be that worker who has his cell phone in his hand every time the big boss walks by. Put your phone away. Technology can be the biggest distraction in the workplace as it puts the world at our fingertips. Don’t worry; technology will still be there post 5 PM when you can catch up on everything.
  1. Have an organized desk.
    You can’t be tempted if you have nothing of temptation on your desk, right? Clear your desk of everything except for the materials you need for what you’re working on. If you have magazines, newspapers, or the likes on your desk, you’re going to want to read that instead of doing the glorious work you have to look forward to.
  1. Know how to say no.
    Saying no isn’t a bad thing, I promise. You need to know how to say no in life – both to yourself and to others. If you’re already working on a project, focus on that. Don’t agree to take on another project until you’re done with that, unless of course it’s time sensitive. I’m not saying to work on the same thing all day, but when you’re working on one thing, work on it for a solid 15-20 minutes before switching to something else.

I know, I know, we see a popup of a new e-mail and need to answer it right away. I get it, and I’m guilty of it too. Let’s try this together fellow millennials; ignore that popup for just right now. It can wait the 15 minutes you’ve devoted to the current project you’re working on. Additionally, if you find yourself aimlessly scrolling on Facebook (guilty as well) get up and go take a walk. Fresh air and a change of scenery will do much more to help your focus than seeing another political debate on social media will.

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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