Categories: Workplaces

5 Lunch Break Tips To Make The Most Of Your Time

In the United States, it’s mandatory that you be given a lunch break on the job. Many people don’t take advantage of their lunch breaks, and instead sit at their desks getting work done or accomplishing very little. This is a half-hour to hour that you could be using everyday to split up the workday and relieve the stress you’ve accumulated. There are a variety of activities you can do during your break, but here are five that stand out and create a big impact during your work day.

Here are 5 lunch break tips to make the most of your time:

1. Eat a healthy meal

The most obvious thing you should do on your lunch break is to make sure you eat at least a small meal. It may be easy to skip eating so that you can get more work done, but this isn’t what your body wants. Skipping meals can make you feel sluggish throughout the day, and by eating lunch, you’ll gain the extra boost of energy you need.

Some believe that you can lose weight by skipping meals, but this is a myth. It’s actually more unhealthy to skip lunch because it jump-starts your appetite and can cause you to eat much more during your next meal. Although it’s healthy to eat lunch, make sure you’re not going out to fast-food restaurants too often. Instead, pack a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins, which will help make you ready to take on the second half of the day.

2. Network with colleagues

It can be nice to use your lunch time to be alone and gather your thoughts, but never underestimate the value of getting along with your workmates. Your lunch break is a great chance to talk about shared interests or current events to get a conversation rolling. Building a bond with those you work with can make working with them much easier and more fun. You’re going to be spending a lot of time with your colleagues on the job, so it’s important that you can not only bare to work with them, but want to work with them.

Being close to people at work can also help you when you’re in a bind. If you need someone to cover your shift or take care of something when an emergency arises, it helps to have friends at work to ask for assistance. However, if you do find people you can rely on, make sure you try and do the same for them. Next time you’re sitting alone on your lunch break, trying striking up a conversation with the closest person.

3. Workout

Not everyone’s a fan of going to the gym, but something as simple as a 20-minute run on the treadmill can help get the juices flowing. Exercising on a regular basis increases blood flow to the brain and helps keep your mind sharp during the day. By using part of your lunch break to get a little exercise in, it makes it easier for your brain to take in information, which makes it easier to learn new things. Based on this evidence, those starting a new job could benefit greatly from working out at lunch.

4. Read for pleasure

Taking your mind off of work during your break can be very helpful during a stressful day. If you’re faced with extra work, a tight deadline, or a tough day, pick up a book to relieve some stress. Find a quiet place to sit alone and read your book while you eat lunch, and it can help get your mind off of the occasional work problems that plague you.

5. Stay informed

It’s difficult to stay caught up on local and world news or current events when you’re trying to balance a work and family life. If your break room has a television, use it to flip through the news stations for a bit to see what’s occurring in the world. This is also time that could be spent reading the newspaper or surfing your favorite news site. It doesn’t matter what method you use to stay informed, just make sure it’s a medium you trust and enjoy viewing.

Devon Karbowski

Published by
Devon Karbowski

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