Categories: Industries

Looking for a Job? These Two Industries Are in Need of Millennial Talent

Desperate for millennial talent? Yes, that’s exactly what we want to hear! As much as we hate to admit it, we are desperate for a job. We graduate college, some of us even have multiple degrees, and yet we still can’t find work. Employers just don’t want us, which you can read more about in my previous article, Millennials: We Can’t Even Have Nice Articles. But there is good news fellow millennials; there are two industries in need of talent. They need employees. They need us to apply for these jobs. They aren’t picky as to who’s applying for them. They just need applicants. What are these magical two industries that I’m talking about? The wonderful worlds of pharmacy and construction.

Please don’t roll your eyes. I can see you. Okay, I can’t but I know you did it! Let’s try to keep an open mind. I’m sure some of you shrugged me off as soon as you read the words pharmacy and construction. It’s time to take a quick step back here and look at all the pros of these two industries. The biggest, most blatant pro is that these industries actually want our job applications. They want us. Want! Cheap Trick said it best; I want you to want me. We wanted to be wanted, and we are. Let’s take advantage of it.

Is the fact that you can sing Cheap Trick to yourself while applying for jobs in these industries not enough? Don’t worry, Market Watch has you covered with more great reasons. They recently published an article titled “Want a job? These two industries are desperate for talent.” According to the article, the pharmaceutical industry has twice as many job openings as applicants, and the construction industry only has 94 applicants for every 100 jobs. The odds are (forever) in our favor.

Apply! What do you have to lose? It may not be your dream job, but hey you’re not committed to a job for life. If you are in need of a job post college, take a look into these two industries. If the fact that the odds are actually in your favor not enough incentive for you, let’s take a look at the most important number: salary. The median salary for all pharmaceutical jobs, yes even taking sales reps into account, is $60,000. Construction jobs range in salary, however according to the article they still pay higher than the median U.S. salary. What is this magic number you ask? $30,000. That’s right folks, the average salary in the U.S. is (actually a bit less than) $30,000. Yes, that number is low. Yes, you can be making more than that amount as a millennial. And yes, these two fields pay more than this median.

Pharmaceutical and construction industries are desperate for employees. Millennials are desperate for employers. It seems like a win-win situation. Yes, it may not have been your first choice, but do yourself favor and take a look into it. What do you have to lose? Nothing. You have nothing to lose by looking into either of these industries, and the possibly of everything to gain.

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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