Categories: Industries

10 Careers That Prove There’s More To Human Resources Than Just Hiring

I recently shared with you 10 HR interview questions with answers, since I know you’re sick of being the interviewee and now want to be the interviewer. But, what if I told you that hiring manager is not the only career option out there for millennials who want to work in human resources? Your mind is blown right now, isn’t it? Here are the top 10 human resources career options for millennials.

  1. Human Resources Consultant
    As a human resources consultant, companies will hire you for an hourly rate to help out in all areas of HR such as benefits, retirement plans, employee incentives, and much more. More and more companies are hiring freelancers and hourly workers, making this a great option to consider.
  1. Compensation and Benefits Manager
    In this position, you are responsible for creating, implementing and distributing all benefits policies, which usually includes insurance, salaries, and bonuses.
  1. HR Generalist
    If you get bored easily and like to explore a lot of different areas at once, this is for you. Your tasks can change daily from developing ways to contribute to employee culture to working on benefits packages.
  1. Training and Development Manager
    Within this position, you will be working with all the employees of the organization as you develop, conduct, and oversee their training and development programs. These programs can include orientation sessions, professional development, and more.
  1. Employee Education Consultant
    These consultants are hired on a retainer or contract basis by a company in order to help them improve their employees’ skills. This position does overlap with a training and development manager, however this consultant specifically works towards ensuring that employees are happy and properly trained.
  1. Employee Relations Specialist
    This position works directly with the employees to ensure that there are effective working relationships throughout the company.
  1. Human Resources Information System Analysts
    In today’s day and age, not only has IT become essential, but it has become ingrained in other career options. In this position, you manage and oversee the HR information system used by the organization.
  1. Human Resources Manager
    These managers also work directly with employees by planning and managing any activities done through HR such as training, work conflicts, or anything else. If you enjoy helping others, this is a great job for you to consider.
  1. Learning and Talent Development Administrator
    Everyone has potential, but sometimes not everyone can see his or her own promising skills; this is where a learning and talent development specialist steps in. In this position you will help manage, support, and accelerate learning tactics within the office to ensure that everything is running as efficiently as it can.
  1. Hiring Managers/Recruitment/Talent Planning Specialist
    Ah yes, here it is, the interviewer. In this position, you will be the person on the quest to find the best possible candidates to work for your company. You will recruit them, interview them, and then decide who the best person for the job is.

In all of these positions it’s important to note that working with others and for others are big aspects of human resources. It’s also important to note that if you do choose to be a hiring manager, be kind to those of us who remain the interviewee. You were once us – please treat us how you would have liked to be treated!

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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