Categories: Career Advice

5 Tangible Career Goals You Should Make For Yourself

The sky’s the limit. The world is our oyster. However, life doesn’t work out as perfect fairy tales. We may want to go from common folk to princesses overnight, but that’s not possible. What is possible though is having goals, setting those goals, and working towards achieving them. Speaking of which, here are five tangible career goals you should make for yourself.

  1. Wanting to learn more.
    Whether you’re in an entry-level position or you’re an executive, there are always things to learn. There will always be other people who you can learn from, new perspectives for you to see, new technologies for you to use, and so on. If you want to grow in your career, you need to grow in your knowledge, as well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – it’s a great way to learn.
  2. Getting a promotion.
    You’re not going to want to stay in the same entry-level position forever; you’re going to want to move up the ladder. However, do not just expect a promotion to be handed to you. You need to work for it and show your superiors that you deserve one. However, if you are a hard-worker, getting a promotion is entirely tangible after you’ve proven yourself. Are you unsure of how to ask for a raise? These five unwritten (well actually written) rules on asking for a raise can help you out.
  3. Double.
    Do you work in social media? Set your goal to doubling your following. Do you work in sales? Set your goal to doubling your numbers. Have clients? Set your goal to doubling your clients. Assuming these numbers are all realistic, doubling the quantity is a reasonable expectation to make for yourself. It’s important not to go from 0 to 60 right away – this is not Disney’s Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Set your sights on always wanting to increase your workload, but remember that you are one person and know what your limits are.
  4. Start a management position.
    A promotion is great, but this does not always mean that you’ll be managing people. Being in a management position not only allows you to oversee a team of people, but also gives you a new learning experience and a new perspective. No, you should not solely want a management position so you can boss people around; you should want a management person so you can help others grow while allowing your company to flourish. This goal is also entirely realistic, however you’ll probably need to hit the goal of getting a promotion beforehand; in other words, this goal may take a little bit longer. All the good things do take time though, don’t they?
  5. Have a work-life balance.
    As the saying goes, work hard, play hard(er). I’m going to assume that you don’t want to be at work your entire life. You’re going to want a personal life too. In fact, 74% of millennials ranked work-life balance as an important factor in a job. You need to have a work-life balance for your mental health, your well-being, and of course because it’s fun. Work hard, but don’t let work take over your life.
Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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