Categories: Career Advice

Here’s Why Acting Like Donald Trump in the Office Might Not Be So Bad

I’m not into politics. I don’t understand debates. I don’t understand the platforms. Everything sounds the same to me. I stay out of political conversations. I have nothing to contribute to these conversations, or so I thought. This all changed with this election. Maybe it’s because I am now a working adult (well pretending to be) and these issues affect me now more than in the past. Maybe it’s because I now pay taxes and have my own health insurance. Or, in all honesty, maybe it’s because of Donald Trump.

Not only am I entirely entertained by Donald Trump, but I also think there’s a lot millennials can learn from him. Yes, you read that correctly. He has a lot of traits that can help millennials in their job search, work life, and so on. For instance, his phrase, Make America Great Again, is pure gold. These hats are everywhere, especially amongst millennials. Scrolling through my Twitter feed during the Republican debate, every other tweet referenced this phrase. Millennials love it. We are feeding into it. Why is Trump trending so much amongst millennials? And, is there something we can learn from Trump in terms of our own careers?

Donald Trump never hesitates in saying what’s on his mind. He doesn’t care where he is or who he’s talking to; he will always voice his beliefs. Despite the fact that there are many, many times when these comments are not the most appropriate, there is still something to be learned here. Many millennials are afraid to voice opinions to superiors in the workplace. As long as these opinions are said in a respectful way, voice away! If you think something could be completed more efficiently, speak up. Suggest it to your boss. Don’t be afraid.

Hearing Trump speak is a game of “what will he say next.” You honestly never know what’s going to come out of his mouth. We’re all entertained by it, but we can learn from it as well. Remember to think before you speak, especially in the workplace. What you say can’t be unsaid. Being entertaining may not want to be the trait you want your colleagues to describe you as.

Catchy Phrases.
Make America Great Again. You have to give it to Trump; this slogan is genius. Who doesn’t want to make America great again? This is brilliance on Trump’s part, and is important for all of us millennials who work in creative fields such as advertising, marketing, social media, and more. Catchy phrases grab the attention of your audience, whether that audience is donors, consumers, clients, etc. Make your company great (again).

Social Media.
As I’ve stressed before, Social Media is a powerful tool, and Trump knows this. His 3.7 million Twitter followers know this. His 298,000 Instagram followers know this. His 3 million Facebook fans know this. Trump utilizes Social Media, and not solely for political reasons. He was on Social Media before he decided to run for president, and in true Trump fashion it was highly entertaining. His tweets for instance, never failed to disappoint (unless of course you were Rosie O’Donnell). Have a strong Social Media presence for yourself. Not only will it get you noticed, but a strong following will expand your network.

Confidence or just plain cockiness, it’s up to you to decide. Donald Trump truly believes everything he says, and in himself. He genuinely believes he can make America great again. Now do we believe him? That is the real question. But we can all learn something from his confidence, and in a sense, mimic it. Go into your next job interview as confident as Donald Trump (but more respectful!). I promise you, you’ll make a memorable impression.

Michelle Ioannou @

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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