Categories: Career Tools & Tech

To Be or Not to Be: Top 5 Free Career Exploration Quizzes

Picking a career is an incredibly important decision that should be based on your personality, experiences, and ability. Because it may be hard to self-evaluate all the facets of yourself, a career exploration quiz is a great way to get a feeling for what careers and industries you can thrive and be happy in. Plus, it’s a fun thing to do when you’re bored.

Here are the top 5 free career exploration quizzes-because really-who want’s to pay for anything nowadays.

5. The Big Five Personality Test

While it’s not specific to your career, the Big Five Personality Test is a quiz that’s used by major corporations to determine aspects of a person’s personality. With 50 questions, which answers range from agreeable to disagreeable, the test will ask you a variety of inquiries about how you feel and act. The five factors are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism and the results of the quiz may give you insight into what career you should follow.

4. Career Strengths Test

Dare to look under your chair because Oprah’s got a career quiz that’s for you. While it’s less comprehensive than some of the others on this list, the Career Strengths Test is one that actually has right and wrong answers. It has 5 mini quizzes that will test you on things like organization, inductive and numerical reasoning, foresight, and structural visualization. It’s another one of those quizzes that isn’t necessarily totally transparent on what it’s measuring while you take it.

3. Washington Career Bridge

How could you not trust a career quiz sponsored by an entire state? The Washington Career Bridge is a really simple quiz that’s designed to tell you what job you should have. It will base your results on what interests you the most, and you’ll get an opportunity to decide what industries you’d like to work in. This is a more straightforward approach to see what kind of jobs are available to the industries you are interested in.

2. Pymetrics

This test is really cool. What seems like a series of random and completely useless games, is actually a pretty accurate way to build a personality profile on you. You must take at least 12, short, 1 or 2 minute quizzes before Pymetrics can build a useful personality profile based upon how you answered. Some of the games feel like the free flash games that some of us (I’m looking at you) play we’re bored at work. What it’ll also give you is an evaluation of what kind of careers in what kind of industries would fit your personality best.

1.. O*NET Interests Profiler

The O*NET Interests Profiler is a 60 question quiz that asks you to rank tasks on a strongly dislike, to strongly like scale. It’s a very comprehensive tool that asks you a variety of questions to see what kind of industries or what it calls “Job Zones” you may be interested in. It also gives you links to specific careers within those industries, and the future prospects of each of them. Additionally, you’ll get results on what it thinks the predominate aspects of your personality are. The test is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and is a fairly accurate way to determine what kind of job would give you a sense of fulfillment depending on the level of education you want to get.

Garrett Ettinger @

Garrett Ettinger is a writer and communication specialist who has worked in a variety of fields. He specializes in online writing and currently is the branding and communication coordinator at the non-profit ACTION United in Philadelphia, PA. He regularly advocates on issues involving unemployment, raising the wage, and education reform.

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