Categories: Career Tools & Tech

Free Career Aptitude Test Tools for Young Pros

Whether you’re just starting out on your career path or you’re thinking about changing directions, taking career aptitude tests is a great way to evaluate your interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Some people know right away what they want to be and it works for them. For the rest of us, we’re still figuring it out as we go. These test tools can offer a sense of direction and point out where our skill sets would be put to good use. And of course, what would make us happy.

There are a number of career-aptitude test tools you can use that will charge you for use or will take time to be evaluated by an expert before you can get your results. In the interest of saving money and time, here are a few places young professionals can go for a free online aptitude test.

  1. Pymetrics.comIf you’d rather not sit around answering the same old questions over and over, play a game instead. In fact, play 12 of them. With Pymetrics, a series of 12 games played in about a 30-minute time period evaluate your social, emotional, and cognitive traits. Then, you get matched to companies that fit the types of jobs you’re suited for, according to your test results. It’s great for both students and current business professionals.
  2. LiveCareer.comThis site has a variety of test tools depending on what you’re looking to hone in on. There’s a test to evaluate if you’re up to starting your own business. There’s one for determining if your resume will catch an employer’s eye in a matter of seconds. There’s also an Education Test that evaluates if you should or need to go back to school to get another degree. That could be helpful before you start filling out those graduate school applications.
  3. CareerFitter.comThis test tool has been used as an online career-aptitude source since 1998 and is made up of 60 questions with two answers to choose from for each. While it will cost you $11.90 to get the full evaluation, you can get a summary of your results for free. The site also has information on scholarships for students or those looking to go back to school.
  4. Sokanu.comWith this online tool, pronounced “so can you,” users who take a 30-minute aptitude test can get real-time results as they answer each question, as your results become more refined as you go along. The free version matches you up with 50 possible career paths while the paid premium version will give you over 500 careers to be matched with.
  5. 123Test.comIf you’re looking for a more visual aptitude test, this tool gives you a choice of four pictures to choose from based on what your preferences are. Simply pick one that appeals to you and one that doesn’t to get through the exam. The overall process takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.

If you don’t know what you want to do for your career or aren’t sure the path you’re on is the right one, consider these free career aptitude test tools to help you make an educated decision. The choice is always yours, but it doesn’t hurt to ask for help.

Kristina Brandt

Kristina is a freelance writer and marketer who also has experience in human resources, customer service, and sales.

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