Categories: Industries

Industry Shakedown: How To Find An Industry You’ll Love

If you’re anything like most American workers, chances are you are not feeling your job. In fact, a stunning 71% of workers in a recent Gallup poll were either “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” in their work. So how can you avoid being one of those poor saps and find an industry you’ll love?

There are several concrete steps you can take to find an industry that is right for you. It will take time and some serious thought about your skills and priorities, but if you follow these steps, you are all but certain to avoid the fate of the dreaded 71%.

Engage In Introspection

Your first step should be to think long and hard about yourself. Christine Zimmerman of the Startup Institute suggests these questions as a jumping-off point:

  • If money weren’t an issue, what would I do?
  • What type of role or mission would I be excited to tell my friends and family about?
  • What makes me most curious?
  • What do I do best?
  • What am I most passionate about?
  • What projects (paid, volunteer, or school-oriented) have I most enjoyed working on and why?
  • What kind of work environment do I thrive in? (Collaborative or autonomous? Do I need clear structure, or can I be scrappy in an ambiguous environment?)

Realize You Need More Than Passion

We all have plenty of things that we love, but that we’re just not any good at – see any early-season American Idol episode for proof of that. But this truism is easy for millennials to ignore when thinking about their career goals. Passion is important, but even more important is curiosity. Is there a topic that has always intrigued you? Something people talk about that gets you excited? A job that makes you feel like a kid in a candy store whenever you think about doing it? Try to find an industry that engages this sense of wonder.

Find Multiple Mentors

If you’re a regular Ploymint reader, you already know how to find a mentor. In this situation, it is crucial to have more than one. While you’re hunting, talk to a variety of more experienced people in a variety of fields. This way, you’ll get many different perspectives – and you won’t burn out your new friends by questioning any one of them a ton.

Increase Your Skillset

When attempting to find an industry to enter, one of the best ways make yourself attractive to prospective employers is to learn new skills. Whether you do it by freelancing, taking classes, interning, or participating in a group like Toastmasters, there are countless ways to make yourself a better employee while getting a taste of a myriad of different careers.

Get Your Pitch Ready

While you’re out meeting mentors and increasing your skills, you’re likely to run into a wide variety of people. You always want to have a 30-second elevator pitch ready to go. Talk about yourself, your passions, your strong points, and what you want in a job.

Don’t Give Up

Finding a job in any circumstances is hard work. Trying to find an industry you’ll love, especially if you aren’t working while the search is happening, can be a frightening experience. But you should stay the course! Giving up too early will only ensure that you’ll be back looking at this same article again in a year or two.

For more information on how to land a perfect job once you’ve found your field, check out our articles on job hunting.

Shawn Setaro

Published by
Shawn Setaro

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