
10 Free Personal Website Tools To Build Your Brand

In order to sell your product, services, or personal brand, it helps to develop a personal website to attract potential…

9 years ago

Why the Hate? Because “Millennials are Lazy”

Self-absorbed, narcissistic, shallow, and lazy. It seems like a pretty common thread throughout history that our elders often thought very…

9 years ago

The Difficulties of Dealing with Millennial Labels

Each generation gets its own set of labels that serve as descriptors for what that group of individuals embodies. There…

9 years ago

The Millennial Struggle for the American Dream

The nuclear family is no longer appealing for many millennials. The idea of settling down in a perfect four-person family,…

9 years ago

Millennials Got Talent: Why More Businesses Should Target Us for Hire

I recently wrote about how financial advisers want nothing to do with millennials. As discouraging as this may be, it’s…

9 years ago

How Millennials Are Changing Work Itself

Millennials are getting a bad rap. If you listen to the olds, we're lazy, self-obsessed, and largely coasting off our…

9 years ago