Career Tools & Tech

The Best IFTTT Recipes For Totally Normal People

IFTTT may look less like an acronym and more like what happens when your cat walks across the keyboard. But…

8 years ago

4 Workplace Automation Tools To Make Life Easier

Workplace automation sounds potentially scary, suggesting, perhaps, that robots are finally ready to take the rest of our jobs. And…

8 years ago

Choosing A Checking Account: Here’s The Checklist

For millennials first venturing out into the adult world, choosing a checking account can seem daunting. There are so many…

8 years ago

3 Simple Job Search Tips You’re Overlooking Right Now

The job searching process elicits groans from most people — but it doesn’t have to be that complicated! More often…

8 years ago

The 12 Best Zapier Zaps We Love

In the booming world of web and mobile apps, two things trump everything else: integration and development. Developing apps is…

8 years ago

5 Outstanding Brand Ambassador Program Examples

George Clooney had been a brand ambassador for Nespresso for almost a decade when he appeared in his first American TV…

8 years ago

5 E-mail Inbox Management Tools To Improve Inboxes

As someone who works remotely for a good portion of my day, e-mail communication has become an integral and indispensable…

8 years ago

7 Time-Saving Tools & Tips For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur you already understand the phrase “time is money.” For people trying to make it in…

8 years ago