Career Tools & Tech

This is Not Your Grandmother’s Office: The Millennial Workplace

Take a second and picture your office 20 years from now. How much has changed? No matter which profession you're…

9 years ago

What Another Strong Jobs Report Means For Millennials

After years of worrying, leaders at the Federal Reserve are cautiously optimistic that the American economy has stabilized and is almost back…

9 years ago

How To Make The Most Out Of LinkedIn

There's a common refrain about LinkedIn among new users: "I don't get it," or perhaps, "I have one but don't…

9 years ago

Why LinkedIn May Be the Best Job-Search Tool for Millennials

Indeed. Monster. CareerBuilder. Chances are you’ve had your resume on these sites since college graduation, and have nothing but frustration…

9 years ago

Twitter is Not Just for Fun: A New Job’s Just a Tweet Away!

I love Twitter. I cannot stress this enough. I LOVE Twitter. It’s my favorite Social Media channel, and in my…

9 years ago

The Switch App: Swipe Right For the Job You Want

There’s now a free app available that allows job seekers to browse through available employment opportunities in their area the…

9 years ago

Poachable: The Anonymous Job Search Tool

Every few years there seems to be chatter about how traditional resumes are falling by the wayside. It’s hard to…

9 years ago

The Top 5 iPad Apps for Writers on the Go

By Devon Krabowski The iPad won't be replacing laptops and computers anytime soon, but there is a lot that it…

9 years ago