Career Tools & Tech

I Quit! How to (More Professionally) Write a Resignation Letter

If you’ve found this page, then congrats because it either means that you’ve found a new, better job, or you…

9 years ago

Steal From These 50 Free Resume Templates Like a Copywriter

"Good Artists copy; Great Artists steal"- Pablo Picasso This covers all aspects of art, whether it be painting, music, or…

9 years ago

How an Interview Thank You E-mail Can Land You a Career

Thank You. It's one of the most powerful phrases in the English language. A forgotten thank you can breed cancer…

9 years ago

Personal Website Examples That Can Make You Stand Apart

Welcome to the age of technology folks. We are no longer frantically searching the classifieds of every newspaper to find…

9 years ago

Finding Your Ideal Job with

Looking for non-profit work can sometimes be daunting. There are usually so many jobs on the regular job boards that…

9 years ago

Online Job Boards Can Help. Here’s Why You Should Still Look Elsewhere.

There's a common proverb: death is the great equalizer. In the 21st century, the same surely applies to online job…

9 years ago

Continuing Education Classes Improve Your Qualifications-Tests Not Included

For a vast majority of us, the idea of being done with school and getting the next chapter of our…

9 years ago

Technophobia: Should Millennials Fear Replacement by Robots?

Technophobia is the fear of technology out-evolving humans, with artificial intelligence eventually eliminating or enslaving humanity. It's been the driving…

9 years ago