Career Tools & Tech

The Resume Objective Is So 1991

When constructing your resume, you may turn to online templates as a guide for how to structure your resume to…

9 years ago

Resume Cheat Sheet: 25 Resume Tips Just For You

You never get a second shot at making a first impression. Cliché, but true. Your resume is the first glimpse…

9 years ago

‘What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?’: A Career Quiz Can Help Answer That Question

Online quizzes are really good ways to burn free time when you’re bored at the office. How else would we…

9 years ago

A Follow Up E-mail Can Set You Apart from Other Job Applicants. This Template Can Help.

A couple of months ago I wrote, Want to Know How to Stand Out in Your Job Applications? Here’s Advice…

9 years ago

How to Kickstart Your Idea With Crowdfunding

Working for yourself is a dream for many Americans, but the cost of starting your own money-making venture isn’t cheap.…

9 years ago

10 Killer Cover Letter Examples and Why You Shouldn’t Copy Any of Them

Millennial-driven website the Muse published a great article about cover letters which provides examples and which is one of the…

9 years ago

10 Creative Out Of Office Message Examples for Millennials

Spending time out of the office for any reason is usually a blessing as it gets you out of the…

9 years ago

Monetize Your Creativity: Using Etsy to Cash in on Your Creative Side

If you’re like me, then at one point or another you've Googled “how to make money online.” Of course, most…

9 years ago