Categories: Workplaces

Top 10 Career Pages From Employers of Choice

A company’s career page is its most important piece of marketing material. This is the page that sells potential employees on why they should dedicate their lives to working and growing with the company. The following are career pages from employers who use their page as a marketing tool that converts job seekers into applicants.


What makes Kickstarter’s career page attractive to millennials is they make it clear they’re a “Public Benefit Corporation,” with the primary goal of making a positive impact. And, as we’ve already learned, millennials place great importance on doing good things. They also emphasize the importance of being a tight-knit team who genuinely enjoys working with each other. Kickstarter also has all of their openings listed and separated by department and location.


Apple’s career page stands out with its short videos for each job position. They’re essentially three-minute advertisements for what it’s like to work at an Apple retail store, as well as corporate and back-end positions. They also have their own comprehensive on-page job search system, which lets you search for jobs throughout the company and filter your results based on a number of different criteria.

General Mills

The General Mills career page has an amazing selection of videos for potential employees. These videos cover company culture, what it’s like to work for General Mills, and job interview tips specific to the General Mills interview process.It’s easy to tell this is a company that strives to set its employees up for success.


Pepsi’s career page is a separate domain from the main company page. What sticks out is how Pepsi uses their current employees as their main selling tool. There are employee bios under the “People of Pepsico” section that are accompanied by videos of them on the job. They also utilize video in their “Why Work at Pepsico” section.


Spotify’s career page is another that is centered around the current employees. The first thing you see on their page is a picture of a guy dancing and having a great time, and the caption reads: ” Say hello to Mark from Product Marketing, showing off his summer party dance moves. Come join us, it’s fun here.” This culture of fun is conveyed throughout the page by candid pictures of the team enjoying non-work activities.


Adobe’s career page contains a slideshow of 10 reasons why you should work at Adobe. This seems minor, but it’s a powerful way to capture a reader’s attention. Our brains love “top 10” lists.


Meetup’s brand mission revolves around creating communities, and their career page is in total alignment with these values. Meetup’s main career page asks a serious of thought-provoking questions as you scroll down the page. Some examples are:

” We get to focus on a simple dream. What if it were easy to find the others?”

” What if we used the Internet to get off the Internet?”

“What if people had more power?”

Each question is also accompanied by a related image. On the job openings page there is an interactive list of perks, with a visual representation of each perk popping up as you hover over the link. Some of the perks include smartphone reimbursement, daily breakfasts, and a dog-friendly office.


Square’s career page is gorgeous. There are dozens of pictures showcasing the unique features of their office space, such as an espresso view and a world-class kitchen. Not to mention the amazing benefits that are listed towards the bottom of the page.


When you go to Bonobo’s career page, the first thing you see is a photo with the caption ” Make fit happen. Join us at Bonobos.” This instantly reminded me of the “make fetch happen” quote from Mean Girls, and I doubt that was an accident. Bonobos knows what it’s doing when it comes to making themselves attractive to top millennial talent.


Google doesn’t slack on their career page just because of their global brand recognition. Google’s career page uses videos to highlight every aspect of working at the company, and the employees are the main stars of the video.

As a young job seeker, take note of what works on these top 10 career pages from employers who understand that a career page is a vital recruitment tool for any company. Look for these same qualities in a company before you apply and you’re bound to find your perfect fit in no time.

Ploymint Staff

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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