Categories: Workplaces

10 Best Corporate Perks For Millennials

When you’re looking for a job, it’s easy to just focus on the amount of money being offered, but the benefits can be just as important. Some businesses have gotten more creative with the corporate perks they advertise so they can draw in talented millennials.

Here are 10 of the best corporate perks for millennials that you’ll be lucky to find when sending out your next round of applications.

1. Unlimited time off

Netflix doesn’t just offer a large amount of vacation days, but instead they give their employees as much time as they need. This doesn’t mean that employees are taking off three months at a time, but they don’t need to worry about planning their vacations around the number of days their company allows. By getting unlimited time off, Netflix employees can also take multiple vacations a year, giving them more freedom to travel.

2. Healthy perks

Many businesses are starting to build an on-site gym or give employees a free membership to a local health facility, but Google has taken their employees’ health benefits one step further. Along with a fitness center, Google gives their employees free access to gourmet food and snacks. They offer meals from breakfast to dinner, and those who have to stay late are also taken care of with a healthy meal.

3. Zmail

Waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a work e-mail notification is never fun, but at healthcare industry management consulting firm Vynamic, this isn’t allowed. They make sure their employees can get a good night sleep by implementing the “Zmail” policy, which makes it so employees don’t send or receive work e-mails between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. This perk also ensures that employees won’t receive e-mails on weekends.

4. Rock wall

Killer Infographics doesn’t just want their employees to stay healthy, they also want them to have fun. The company installed a rock climbing wall that all of their employees have access to. This gives them a chance to relieve some stress at work while also staying healthy.

5. Retreats

Most people spend about the same amount of time with their work colleagues as they do their family, which is why it’s important to develop a close bond with them. Expensify sends their employees on work retreats to have fun with their work mates outside of the office. Together they eat, hike, work, and barbecue, so that everyone can develop a closer relationship and have some fun in the process.

6. Free candy

Healthy perks are great, but occasionally you need to indulge your sweet tooth’s cravings. Mars installed vending machines that give out free candy to its employees. The candy is anything and everything Mars brand, so if you like M&M’s and Skittles, then this might be the place for you.

7. Concierge services

A concierge can help you with your work-life balance by taking care of the things you don’t have time for. They can do anything from take your car into the shop to have something delivered for you. At SC Johnson, employees have access to a concierge that will help them with almost anything they need.

8. Tobacco cessation

Many businesses offer unique health benefits like conglomerate 3M, who helps its employees quit smoking along with offering a health plan. It’s not against the company’s policy to smoke, they just want to make sure you have the option of quitting in a way that is cost-effective. The cost of ending your smoking habit can be expensive, unless you quit cold turkey, and 3M wants to foot the bill to keep its employees healthy.

9. Dogs allowed

At Ben & Jerry’s, every day is Bring Your Dog to Work Day. If you don’t want your dog to stay at home alone, but don’t want to pay for doggie daycare, Ben & Jerry’s is where you should work. They allow their employees to bring their dogs to work, and they don’t even have to hide them from clients or visitors.

10. Beauty treatments

BodyLogicMD wants its employees to relax, so the company offers professional massages and manicures to reduce everyone’s stress. Something as simple as a five-minute massage can lower stress levels, and by receiving daily massages, there is little stress at work here. This perk not only reduces employees’ stress but it saves them thousands of dollars every year on things like massages and facials.

Devon Karbowski

Published by
Devon Karbowski

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