10 Shocking Stats About Women in Business—Featuring Commentary from a Millennial Working Woman

It’s easy to think of the collective fight for women’s rights in the United States in terms of an older…

8 years ago

6 Ways Internship Programs Impact Your Employer Brand

There’s a lot of talk about what internships can provide for students — valuable experience, possible college credit, new contacts…

8 years ago

7 Financial Considerations When Having A Baby

As a generation millennials are getting older, but many of us aren't having babies. According to a Washington Post report published last…

8 years ago

What It’s Like To Work in IT (Interview)

Ploymint has shared various different articles regarding the tech industry. From sharing the top ten technical skills you should know to…

8 years ago

3 Simple Job Search Tips You’re Overlooking Right Now

The job searching process elicits groans from most people — but it doesn’t have to be that complicated! More often…

8 years ago

What It’s Like to Be a Copywriter: A Millennial Perspective

According to its Wikipedia definition, copywriting is “written content conveyed through online media and print materials.” In order to make…

8 years ago

Top Nonprofits In DC To Work For

Washington, DC is hotbed for politics, of course. But millennials who want to do good can find a home there…

8 years ago

The Ultimate Personal Branding Checklist For Millennials

As a millennial, personal branding has become an integral part of how to advance your career. Most employers are going…

8 years ago