Categories: Career Advice

3 Characteristics of Millennials: A White House Report

One day during my research for another article, I discovered this White House report on Millennials. Below are the three facts that I’ve found most interesting, and what these facts mean for the job market.

Millennials are the Largest and Most Diverse Generation

According to the report, Millennials make up one-third of the total population. What this means is Millennials will most likely face a competitive job market through their entire working lives. It’s important to learn skills to make yourself more attractive to potential employers. The following data shows you why learning another language may be the most beneficial.

Figure 2 of this report shows the percentage of 20 to 34-year-olds born in a foreign country, and the data goes back to 1900. The years between 1900 and 1915 were the heyday of European immigration. The highest percentage of foreign-born 20 to 34-year-olds was near 20% in 1910.

This number dipped to its lowest point in 1945 when it sank below 5%. When the first Millennials were born in 1980, this number was at around 7%. When these people turned 20, the number of 20 to 34-year-olds who were foreign-born hit its highest point since 1910, which was 17%. As of 2012, 15% of Millennials in this age range are foreign-born.

This means being multi-lingual has never been a more marketable skill during a job hunt. The best language to learn is Spanish, which is further illustrated by Figure 3. It has an ethnic breakdown of 15 to 34-year olds in 1980 and 2012. Only 7% identified as Hispanic in 1980, compared to 21% in 2012. Those who identify as White went from 78% in 1980 to 58% in 2012. If you want to start learning Spanish in your spare time, then check out Duolingo or Babbel.

Millennials are the Most Educated Generation in History

47% of Millennials hold at least an Associates degree, and 18%of those without a degree have earned some college credits. This is a big reason why jobs are so hard to come by. For the Baby Boomers, a diploma was a job ticket. For Millennials, it’s essentially become an expectation. As a generation, we have flooded the market of degree-holding jobseekers.

This is why you need to make sure you stand out in your job application; you can get tips on from one of our contributors who sat down with an HR professional.

One of the reasons I think everyone should do some freelance writing is the novelty factor; more than likely, the person reading your job application will not read another which includes freelance writing. “Tell me more about your freelance writing” has been one of the first questions I’ve been asked in virtually all of my job interviews. Every job wants someone with excellent written and verbal communication skills, so what better way to prove you have writing skills than getting paid for it?

I also think you can position yourself as an attractive and educated candidate using Social Media, whether it be through LinkedIn or writing a blog in your field.

Millennials Want More From Life

Millennials are a generation of many things, and one of them is change. We want to make a difference. Roughly 65 percent of Millennials said contribution to society was an extremely important life goal. While Generation X has a similar percentage (60 percent), only 50 percent of boomers shared this aspiration. A big reason for this is the Internet, as it is much easier to spread awareness regarding social issues.

Millennials also value their relationships with family and friends. Even though we’re constantly connected through texts and Social Media, we still crave the intimacy only face-to-face communication can provide. This is why nearly 50 percent of Millennials said living close to friends and family was extremely important. This is more than Generation X and the Baby Boomers, who came in at 40 percent and 30 percent respectively.

Is there a different fact from this White House report that you find fascinating? Let’s talk about it!

Ploymint Staff

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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